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Showing posts from March, 2025

Make Dreams Manifest While Exploring the World

 I'm still in California, I almost gave up my seasonal tax season job that is based here, but I kept it and just doing it part time as I build my own practice. The eclipse on March 13 is especially intense as it is exactly conjunct my Mars in Virgo, and my Chiron in Pisces,  squares my sun/moon eclipse in Gemini/Sag and also my nodes, the Galactic Center and Varda are conjunct my moon.   This is intense and very transformative energy that will be felt for months to come. I'm going through a deep transformation around work, home, family and charting my own course.    I'm not renewing my apartment in Cincinnati, it is up in May.  I  will be traveling between my sons, who both have babies.   My son in Cincinnati is expecting baby no 2, a girl, in May, so I'll be around for her birth, then from Jun - August I'll be in San Diego caring for my other son's baby girl while they both return to working full time, in Sept, I'm going to live the lif...