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Mercury in Retrograde and New Moon in Sagittarius

Today, November 25th, 2024, Mercury goes retrograde in Sagittarius until December 15th, this year.  As ruler of Gemini, Mercury is the planet for communication, transportation and technology.  The sun is also in Sagittarius, this is the month for expansion, taking trips and uncovering the truth.  

 We always blame Mercury in retrograde when we have a tech failure.  They say don't sign any contracts and expect traffic and transportation delays when Mercury is in retrograde.   Mercury in retrograde gets a bad rap, in my opinion.  But what if we look at Mercury in retrograde as a time to slow down from the hectic pace of this crazy world, take some down time to reset, recharge our own battery and review important decisions we are making.   

Mercury goes in retrograde about 3-4 times each year for about 2 weeks.   What if we rethink Mercury in retrograde as our ally offering us time to refocus our priorities so we are living in alignment with our hearts and the energies of the earth and cosmos.  Imagine if the whole world observed Mercury in retrograde in this manner.  

Jupiter, the planet for expansion and ruler of Sagittarius, is in Gemini and has been opposite Mercury in Sagittarius since middle of November and will be in this relationship until after Christmas (both planets are in mutual reception as they are in each other's ruling signs).  Usually this aspect lasts only a couple days so it feels like these energies are supporting an expanded view on Mercury retrograde, pushing boundaries and rewriting expectations.   This shift in perspective alone would change your life, and could change all of humanity if the whole world observed Mercury in retrograde as a time to reset.     

As a Gemini, with Jupiter and Mercury in Gemini and my moon in Sagittarius this is a perfect time for me to take a trip so I'm flying to Italy after the New moon.  Yay!   I'm excited to manifest and co-create with the goddesses.  I expect there may be some delays in transportation, communication and technology, but rather than become frustrated, I will take a deep breath, extend compassion and gratitude and enjoy the humor of it all.   It's good not to take life so seriously in those moments when things seem to break down.    

And with the new moon in Sagittarius on December 1st, it's a good time to break out of your comfort zone and have the courage to try something new like take a trip, like me!, study something or take a leap of faith!

I'm hosting a New Moon in Sagittarius Zoom Circle on Sunday, December 1st at 11:11 Eastern.   If ou wish to attend the 60-90 gathering, please SEND me $22.22 via Venmo or Paypal and your email address for the zoom link.


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