Today, January 28, 2025, is the completion of my second Saturn return. The planet Saturn represents discipline and structure, with my Saturn in Pisces, a mutable , mystical water sign, these characteristics have been challenging and with a lifetime of experimenting, I finally understand how to alchemize structure and dreams to manifest realities in multiple dimensions. It takes Saturn about 29 years to go around the zodiac and return to the place it was the moment we are born. The first time is when we turn 29-30 years old, the second is 59-60 years of age and the last around 88-89. Each year is an opportunity to review our life and make adjustments to get back on course with our birth chart, which is a blue print of our life in this lifetime. Some of us are in tune with the energies in our birth chart without ever having an astrological reading, others become more in alignment once they receive a reading that confirms much of what they may have had a hunch about. But life...