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My Second Saturn Return and Next Renaissance.

 Today, January 28, 2025, is the completion of my second Saturn return. The planet Saturn represents discipline and structure, with my Saturn in Pisces, a mutable , mystical water sign, these characteristics have been challenging and with a lifetime of experimenting, I finally understand how to alchemize structure and dreams to manifest realities in multiple dimensions.

It takes Saturn about 29 years to go around the zodiac and return to the place it was the moment we are born. The first time is when we turn 29-30 years old, the second is 59-60 years of age and the last around 88-89.

Each year is an opportunity to review our life and make adjustments to get back on course with our birth chart, which is a blue print of our life in this lifetime. Some of us are in tune with the energies in our birth chart without ever having an astrological reading, others become more in alignment once they receive a reading that confirms much of what they may have had a hunch about. But life happens and experiences change the course of our life, traumas and decisions take us away from who we think we really are. Saturn returns can be jarring and circumstances can occur that feel like our lives are falling apart. When the Saturn return is complete, we realize the falling apart was a necessary phase to get us back on track.

The house Saturn is in indicates the area of life that Saturn is affecting, such as personal development, values, home, relationships, career etc. Saturn is in my 8th house of other people’s money, business and taxes. It’s no wonder I became a CPA. but there was no way I was going to have a traditional career!

That is why around age 30, I quit my traditional CPA firm job and launched Money Chi to help my clients with their relationship with money, identity limiting beliefs and breakthrough scarcity mindset to Grow Their Money Chi. I taught women to be entrepreneurs, empowering them to turn their passions into businesses that gave them freedom from the 8-6 grind, create the life they desire and freedom to leave what was no longer serving them. I organized trips to Paris to celebrate their successes when I founded Find Your Self in France. As an early adapter of the digital nomad, I lived and worked around the world on my laptop and bought myself a home in Italy for my 50th birthday and Chiron return.

The year 2020 was a turning point for me. As the world shut down from Covid, a disease borne from the imbalance of elements on the planet, I received visions of a new earth, the Next Renaissance. The air and seas parted and I found myself on a nearly empty plane to Italy. In an empty airport, I was welcomed to Italy by 2 policemen who scrutinized my expired documents and I spent most of 2020 and 2021 living my Next Renaissance, traveling between a deserted Rome, Gaeta and Guardia where I received downloads and instructions from the goddesses urging me to visit an empty Pompeii to witness a time in history when a civilization was destroyed by Mother Nature. And it was happening again.

The clearest message I received was healing breathwork to save ourselves because Mother Earth loves us so much , she doesn’t want to harm us, but in order to save herself, she destroys portions of humanity, those that are guilty as well as innocent. And here we are again…

When I became a grandmother a couple years ago and Saturn was beginning its second return in Pisces since my birth, my life went through another metamorphosis, rather identity crisis. The world was shifting and I moved to be closer to my growing family. I also began a formal study in Astrology, a life long passion and relaunched full and new moon zooms circles. I offered Astro- portal healings to help people align their intentions with the energies of their hearts, the earth and the cosmos. I was grateful for the tax and accounting practice I created but it did not feel in alignment with my spiritual gifts and was not fulfilling.

Today, I received much confirmation that the way forward was not to create another business as an Astrologer but to use all my gifts to create the change I desire from within my profession. As a CPA and trusted financial/ business advisor, I offer tax compliance and much much more. I use Astrology and all my spiritual gifts to serve and empower my clients to align with the energies and define success on their terms to Create Prosperity & Abundance.

I offer Astrology readings focusing on personal values, career, business, money and finances. I design custom accounting systems and create a Peace of Mind doctrine, to help my clients understand the flow of money and resources in their lives and businesses. By reading the energies in the birth chart and business birth chart, I help my clients make business decisions to Create Prosperity & Abundance.


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