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Showing posts from February, 2025

What's Holding You Back From Living Your Dream?

  I thought I needed to hold onto a seasonal tax gig while building my own practice. Honestly, I’m already living my dream life. Yes, I work a lot during tax season, but my clients are very appreciative and I love working with their numbers. The rest of the year, I travel, write, develop creative ideas and I play with my grandchildren. ( I didn’t do that as much as a young mother because I was too busy working for a damn CPA firm!) Numbers tell an honest story about how we spend our precious resources, our time, energy, money. It was time for me to do an Energy Audit on myself. I took a hard look at how I spend my energy, time and money, which is all under my control, and gave up habits that were not in alignment with my values. Then I elevated my consumption of information, time, money and food. What emerged in the past couple weeks is miraculous. I upgraded my profile embracing my passion for astrology. I always hid this about myself, because I was afraid to confuse peop...

Celebrate Pisces season with an Energy Audit

Happy New Moon in Pisces. Now and the rest of the year is a potent time energetically for making our dreams real. Neptune, the ruler of dreams, and Saturn, the ruler of boundaries and rules, are both moving from dreamy, watery Pisces to firey Aries. This literally means manifesting dreams. Neptune takes 145 years to cycle around the zodiac and Saturn takes 30 years. These 2 planets have not ushered in a new Astrological year for 12,000 years. This is profoundly new territory as we enter a phase of intense chaos and transformation. The planets are on our side, but it's still up to us to make the most of this energy. I'm offering Energy Audits the place to start to take a hard look at how you are spending your energy i.e. time, money and energy. Numbers do not lie. The way toward manifesting your dreams is to get clear on how you are spending your energy and uplevel your consumption of energy to create habits that are in alignment with your values. This is how yo...

Full Moon in Leo, Opposed Sun in Aquarius at 24 Degrees - Be the Change You Want to See in the World

The Full Leo Moon is next Wednesday, February 12 at 8:53 am Eastern time. For Washington, DC, the US capital, the moon in Leo will be in the 5th house and the sun will be in Aquarius in the 11th house. This is significant as Leo rules the 5th house of creative self-expression and joy and Aquarius rules the 11th house of groups and associations coming together for future gains. This full Leo moon will be in my First House, passing over my ascendant a few hours before becoming full. It is the first full moon after my Saturn Return on January 28th, which was followed by the new moon in Aquarius and Chinese New Year of the Wood Snake on 1/29. The last Wood Snake was the Year I was born, almost 60 years ago. It signifies wisdom, intuition, and transformation. Can I relate to those things? I want to, but lately I get too caught up in what is going on in this crazy world and I don't feel how Astrology is playing out in my life. I sometimes feel detached and out of align...