Full Moon in Leo, Opposed Sun in Aquarius at 24 Degrees - Be the Change You Want to See in the World
The Full Leo Moon is next Wednesday, February 12 at 8:53 am Eastern time. For Washington, DC, the US capital, the moon in Leo will be in the 5th house and the sun will be in Aquarius in the 11th house. This is significant as Leo rules the 5th house of creative self-expression and joy and Aquarius rules the 11th house of groups and associations coming together for future gains.
This full Leo moon will be in my First House, passing over my ascendant a few hours before becoming full. It is the first full moon after my Saturn Return on January 28th, which was followed by the new moon in Aquarius and Chinese New Year of the Wood Snake on 1/29. The last Wood Snake was the Year I was born, almost 60 years ago. It signifies wisdom, intuition, and transformation.
Can I relate to those things? I want to, but lately I get too caught up in what is going on in this crazy world and I don't feel how Astrology is playing out in my life. I sometimes feel detached and out of alignment with the cosmic energies. Being detached is actually on the lower spectrum of Aquarian energy, but I want to feel the higher octave of expansiveness of consciousness, I want to witness humanity evolve and awaken to become an aware species living in harmony with nature, our planet and the universe. Sigh...
And then, I take a breath and look up at the night sky and something magical happens. Time shifts and I become aware of how awesome and immense the universe is. It's all working like clockwork no matter what chaos is ensuing on our tiny planet. In fact, as a wise, intuitive wood snake once said, "chaos is a necessary part of transformation". My life has broken apart many times, only to be transformed into something better. I used to fear this process, now I lean into it. I observe the charts, and a small miracle happens as I begin to sense what is playing out in my life. I am witnessing how my spiritual and material worlds are colliding and merging. Passing thoughts become intentions infused with emotions that create energy leading to mini explosions of manifestations. The crescendo is the Ah-ha moment, the Big Bang.
Today, my ah-ha moment was to bring the Master Mind, or Maestra Mind, as I prefer to call it, into our Moon Zoom and use the energies in Astrology to Create Prosperity & Abundance.
Come to the Full Leo Moon Zoom on Sunday 2/9 at 11:11 Pacific time and I will introduce the Peace of Mind Edict, my magical spell for Creating Prosperity & Abundance. (I'm zooming in from Palm Desert, California)
The last piece I wrote was about my Saturn Return and the Next Renaissance. You can read it here: https://createproperityandabundance.blogspot.com/2025/01/my-second-saturn-return-and-next.html
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