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Create Prosperity & Abundance and Usher in the Next Renaissance

I created the Facebook group, Create Prosperity & Abundance during the lockdowns of Covid.  I saw that humanity needed a huge kick in the ass and women awakening to their power, to the Goddess and Queen Archetypes within, were the ones to lead humanity to a new era.  

Back in 2020 and 2021, The age of Aquarius was dawning and my interest in Astrology was waking up.  I started a New Moon/Full Moon Zoom Room that kept us connected, red tent style, during those days of darkness, but I always had my sights on the Next Renaissance.  I knew that it's always darkest before dawn.  

I knew because I experienced, many times, my own life had to fall apart to make room for the next level, built back better.  And I recognized this in the collective when Pluto was in the final stages of Capricorn, a breakdown of structures, status quo, a breakdown of the ways of doing things in the way they have always been done.  It was about time.  I envision that the breakdown of the Patriarchy and Hierarchy will accelerate.  As much as they want to keep the Divine Feminine controlled, the more she awakens to The Love of Great Mother, The Goddess, The Queen.  We are rising and there is no stopping us.      

Pluto is going retrograde on May 2nd and over the next few months will make a final return to the last degree of Capricorn before stationing direct back into Aquarius for the next 20 years.   This is the time for you, for my sisters to rise up and claim your rightful seat at the round table.  It is time to usher in the Next Renaissance.  

As I continue to live my life according to my highest purpose,  I coach awakened women to live their lives based on their own highest purpose in alignment with nature, the earth, the cosmos, our hearts and our souls.

As I continue to live an extraordinary life, I inspire awakened women to Create Prosperity & Abundance in joy, peace and love.

As I continue to rise into the highest version of myself as a world renown leader of awakened women, I guide and  witness my sisters step onto their path embodying The Goddess and The Queen archetypes within as we usher in the Next Renaissance.   


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