I coach Women in Leadership and Entrepreneurship. I coach Women going through a life transition, such as a divorce or other relationship and family dynamics. I coach Women redefining who they are becoming based on their own values, dreams and aspirations.
Do you need support discovering or rediscovering who you are meant to be in this lifetime? I am your trusted guide to reconnect you to the version of yourself that is alive, juicy and has zest for life? I went through a divorce at the age of 26, with 2 sons under 3. My chosen career was very demanding and didn't pay enough to provide for my family in the way I wanted to. I was stressed out all the time and my health was suffering. I longed for a life of freedom to live and raise my family according to my values. My life changed in a big way as I reinvented my career and found meaningful work that paid me a full time wage on part time hours. With time to focus on personal growth and awareness, I found my self and fell in love...with me and attracted several successful relationships. I repaired ancestor lineage that healed the dynamics in my family and helped me break destructive patterns ingrained and passed down for generations ensuring a healthy foundation for future generations.
Do you need support changing your career or creating a business aligned with your heart, your values and your vision? I am the world renown trusted guide for Women in Leadership and Entrepreneurship. With a successful 40 year career in finance and accounting, as founder of several successful businesses in fields that I am passionate about, I coached hundreds of women to find or change their career, start or expand their business and maintain an enriched, fulfilling life.
For the past 15 years, I've been enjoying the life I created. While my sons were attending medical school. It was time for me to fulfill my life long dream to live in France. I created Find Your Self in France, a bespoke travel business for which I designed and led dream trips for women who were celebrating their success and reconnecting to their passions, finding their style and Finding their Feminine essence. For my 50th birthday, I bought myself an apartment in a medieval village in Southern Italy where I connected to the land, the Goddesses and Queen archetypes within and created Sweet Life Italy, a boutique tour business connecting women to their inner goddesses, Queen, and Mother Earth by slowing down and living the simple sweet life of La Dolce Vita in the most beautiful country on earth.
I'm approaching my 2nd Saturn Return which is a big call to action about how I want to live the rest of my life. I'm a grandmother now and my passions are being a nonna to my beautiful family, traveling and reinventing myself for the next stage of my life (from age 60 to 90+). With my sun, North Node, Jupiter and Mercury all in Gemini, I am stepping into who I am meant to be: A teacher, writer, communicator, Astrologer, Explorer to inspire women to live their lives according to their own values. From a field of energy and medicine space in our wombs, I will coach you to remember who you really are, without limiting beliefs that keep you living small. I will coach you to define new beliefs, values and your vision in alignment with your heart and soul. We will work with your birth chart and current astrology transits which confirm hunches, illuminate opportunities and uncover challenges. Your dreams will also reveal messages from your soul. I will coach you to identify the gaps in how you are living your life now and how you want to be living your life, and we will come up with strategies that align with your heart, your soul, Mother Earth and the cosmos to transform your life, Create Prosperity & Abundance and usher in Your Next Renaissance.
I will offer a free group session using the New Moon energy in Taurus on Thursday, May 9th at 6pm Pacific time, 9pm Eastern time.
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