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Being Open to Synchronicities

May is ending with a very magical astrological "a-lion-ment" (alignment) between Mercury and Uranus in Taurus.   Mercury rules the sign of Gemini and represents mental energy.  It's about communication, ideas, intellect.  Uranus, which rules Aquarius, is the planet of disruption, evolution, change.  Taurus, ruled by Venus, is the sign of stability, comfort, beauty and where the Jupiter/Uranus Conjunction occurred on April 21, 2024 and is now being reactivated with Mercury conjunct Uranus and will be active for about a week.   The weaving of these astrological events and time alchemizes the energies of expansion and explosion of big ideas in the Venusian areas of money, beauty, comfort, love that we want to manifest as we usher in our Next Renaissance.   

Staying curious and cultivating open-mindedness can lead to sudden ah-ha moments.  Now is the time to take action to manifest our big ideas that you may have had for a while, and bring the ethereal into the material.  Often we receive downloads and epiphanies, see signs and symbols from the Universe trying to communicate clues and hints that we usually ignore and push the information away, deeming it silly or "just a coincidence".  How many times has this happened to you?  I know I've done it many times. My trained logical brain just doesn't want to believe in magical thinking.  Or, maybe I just don't take the time often enough to sit with the information and try to make sense of it all.  

What if, just for today, you decided to trust the clues and hints coming from the universe and the still quiet voice in your heart?  What if you allowed the seeds of ideas in your mind to germinate and grow little roots? What if today you could just be curious and open to thoughts and ideas you don't comprehend with your rational mind. (I suggest keeping a journal with you to jot these ideas down)

I did exactly all that when Italy called to me in 2015.  I didn't have a plan or a make a decision to "just go to Italy".   I didn't understand what was going on, but I paused,  trusted my intuition and took a leap of faith.  Italy called to me and wouldn't let me sleep until I took action to purchase my airline ticket and embark on a trip of a lifetime that changed the trajectory and timeline of my life, impacting my life in a huge way.   I recently looked at the astrological chart of the day I flew to Italy back in March, 2015 and noticed Uranus was conjunct Mars in Aries in my 9th house, urging me to take action, disrupt my life and seek philosophies in distant lands.  I didn't consult the chart prior to taking this trip, in fact, I really didn't use Astrology that much  until the year 2020 except to understand my sun, moon and rising signs.  I was tuning into the energies long before I was aware of transits in astrology. 

This is a great example of Kairos time, that quality of time when time seems to stand still, the quintessential "Pause" that is enjoyed every day in Italy.  A break in the daily hustle and bustle of chronological time, a moment pregnant with anticipation and the expansion of time, allowing time to enjoy a glass of wine, a sunset or contemplate the meaning of your life.   I go more into this concept of time on Andrea Hylen's podcast.  The Mythology of Time with Alecia Caine.

If this story resonates with you, then work with me as your guide to birthing  the next version of your highest self and Your Next Renaissance.    June is going to be a very potent month as Mercury continues on his journey to his home sign of Gemini where he will conjunct the asteroid Sedna, Jupiter, Venus and the sun.  It's also my birthday month and a stellium (meaning a group of 3 or more planets clustered together in a sign)  including Jupiter, Mercury, sun, Venus and my North Node are being activated in my birth sign of Gemini!  

Through the month of June,  I am offering Astro-Portal sessions where we delve into current astrological transits and their interaction with your birth chart, creating an energy field to open a Portal to your Next Renaissance.  The promotional rate for a session is only $11.11 + a testimonial.   If you've already had a session and want to continue working with me, please contact me for package rates for 3 or more sessions and stay connected as I announce the launch of Traveling Through the Transits a year long program with a kick off trip to Italy next Spring. 


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