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Introduction: From CPA - Certified Public Accountant to C.P.A. - C.reate P.rosperity & A.bundance)

I have the initials CPA after my name, which stands for Certified Public Accountant, a career I work hard at and I'm grateful for, but was never in love with, until, I changed the meaning of those initials to C.reate P.rosperity and A.bundance. I supported hundreds of women (and men, too) to change their mindset around money and prosperity, outgrow expectations placed upon them, and live life in alignment with their own hopes and dreams. Many became entrepreneurs and created lives in alignment with their hearts and the energies of Mother Earth and the cosmos.
Currently, we are once again confronted with scarcity mentality and uncertainty as there is much change on the horizon. Its time to think differently, to heal from our traumas and shift our consciousness from scarcity to abundance. From Fear to Love.
Making a quantum shift in our Thinking and Feeling capacity will evolve our lives to be more peaceful and full of joy and love. As we become beacons of light in a storm, others become inspired and together, we become the tipping point for humanity.

For the past 10 years, I have been building my dream life living part time in Italy, where I have believed is the epicenter for the Next Renaissance. Now that I'm a grandmother to Jonah and Olivia and a baby girl on the way, my life is expanding again and I want to help build the Next Renaissance for my grandchildren and for all our grandchildren for generations to come. I know these are lofty goals and we must start with ourselves. I want to share how I created my Renaissance at age 50 and inspire you to create your Next Renaissance.


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